Problems at work, impact our whole lives. You work for the wrong company, or in the wrong role, and it screws up your whole life, your whole being.

Conversely, if you’re in the right company and job for you, this will likely positively impact everything from your physical and mental health to your personal relationships. Our aim is to help you “find your happy”.

Join us for an exciting look into the world of work, with our new bi-weekly chat show, where you’ll be able to hear from our top talent consultants and directors about the world of work, followed by an anonymous Q&A at the end

Looking to improve your career and professional life?

Each week, we’ll dive into a new topic for 15 minutes, then you’ll be able to ask any questions you like at the live Q&A at the end. All of this can be done completely anonymously, by email, and you’ll receive our top advice free of charge

Our first topic is; “Supercharge your job search”


  • LinkedIn hacks,
  • writing a great CV,
  • discovering which job suits you, and why,
  • build an excellent job search process.

How to Sign Up and Join the Chat Anonymously

When entering your info into the Sign Up form (after clicking “Sign Up here”), you can use your real name (f you wish) or initials, N/A or nickname . The first character of whatever you enter as your forename and last name will appear as your profile image in the chat show. This is editable once in the live chat show. However you must use the correct email address. The chat show invite titled “Registration confirmation” from “StreamYard” will be sent to the email address provided so ensure you have access.

Live chat show, every other Friday at 1pm CET, starting November 3rd 2023

Sign Up Here:

The perfect role you.

A team of great people – who know a lot about the funds industry, and all the possible careers in it – is waiting for your call.